We like to assist people suffering from headaches, without relying drugs and medication.
We do this through Gonstead Chiropractic.
It’s a special technique designed to get you out of pain, increase your happiness and get your loving life again.
No more popping tablets to get you through your day. No more frustration constant headaches. Just follow our recommendations and feel your headaches lift.
Best part is, it’s simple usually see results within 4 weeks.
How this works is that instead of not knowing what you should be doing, we show you how to ease those headaches and show you how to stop them from coming back.
We see the best results with who are willing to make time for themselves; open to changing their habits; and take full responsibility for their outcome.
If this sounds like you, then we have two great options available for you right now.
1) Book an appointment Online via this website..click here and use the code:Headache and instead of our usually fee you will only pay a maximum out of pocket amount of $85 even if you do not have private health.
2) Schedule a Free “Can we help call” via this link…Click here

Why do I get shin splints?
Shin splints is a name often given to any pain at the front of the lower leg. However, true shin splints symptoms occur at the front inside of the shin bone and can be caused by a number of causes.
At Caulfied Family Chiropractic we find the most common is inflammation of the sheath that surrounds the shin bone. Pulling forces on this sheath from tight muscles in the lower leg cause shin pain and inflammation.
Pain over the inside lower half of the shin
Pain at the start of exercise, which often eases as the session continues.
Pain often returns after activity and may be at its worst the next mornings.
Swelling may or may not be present over the inside of the shin bone
Lumps and bumps may be felt along the inside of the shin bone
Pain when the toes or foot are bent downwards
Redness may or may not be present over the inside of the shin bone
Shin splints can be caused by a number of factors which are usually bio mechanical and over training.
The most common causes include:
overpronation of the feet
increased running training too quickly
running on hard surfaces
decreased flexiblity of the ankle joint
Treatment for shin splints involves reducing pain and inflammation,
restoring the tight shin muscles to the original condition and gradually returning to training.
The most important part is identifying the training and bio mechanical problems which caused the injury initially- without addressing these issues, the problem will keep coming back
Rest to allow the injury to heal and the inflammation
Applying ice in the early stages to reduce inflammation
Stretching the muscles in the lower leg
Wearing appropriate, shock absorbing shoes
If the problem is biomechanical, getting some custom orthotics fitted in our clinic will help
Maintain fitness with other non weight bearing exercises such as swimming, cycling or running in water.
See our myotherapist or chiropractor for massage to release the tight shin muscles, and corrective exercises.
correcting biomechanical imbalances with appropriate footwear
correcting biomechanical imbalances with orthotics from caulfield family chiropractic
applying the 10% rule to your running training-increasing your times/distances by no more that 10% per week will prevent injuries
Avoid running on hard surfaces only- try grass, or sand to reduce the shock passed through the legs.
Massage therapy on the muscles of the lower leg will prevent them from becoming too tight and causing shin splints.
Contact Caulfield Family Chiropractic
128 Hawthorn Rd
9532 8715

Headache Treatment | Elsternwick | Chiropractor
What is a headache?
Headache is described as any form of pain involving the head or neck region. There are many different types of headaches but all headaches fall within two categories. Primary (benign) or secondary (sinister).
Primary headaches which account for 90% of headaches, are those that are not caused by an underlying disease process. These types include tension headaches, migraine and cluster headaches.
Secondary headaches have many causes but the most concern are the headaches caused by a brain or cranial lesion, arterial arteritis, bleeding into the skull, brain infection, meningitis and trauma or an increase in pressure within the eye or skull.
Headaches may be acute, recent or short duration, and chronic, long lasting and frequent over a long period of time.
After back pain, headaches are the most common reason that people consult a chiropractor. The most common of these headaches are tension headaches or migraines.
Tension headaches presents with pain around the eyes, the base of the skull, a band around the temples, in the jaw and ears or the top of the head.
Migraine however is a condition that usually includes headaches as only one of the many symptoms.
Migraines may be triggered by the following: stress, foods such as chocolate, cheese, nuts, tomatoes shellfish strawberries and meat and beverages such as tea, coffee and alcohol. Too much or too little sleep, prolonged reading or computer work, toxins/chemicals, dental/ jaw problems, lack of food and medication.
The lead up to, or onset of a migraine may bring about the following symptoms: severe one sided temporal and eye pain, blurred vision, dizziness, sensitivity to light, nausea and vomiting, flashing lights, jaw and neck pain.
Causes of headaches: there are many variables in the cause of tension headaches and migraines. But one of the major causes is a misalignment in the cervical vertebral joints ( neck ). Misalignment in this area place external stress on the nervous system causing a malfunction in the pain regulating system within the brain.
Research studies carried out the last few decades, consistently conclude a high correlation between the presence of headache and migraine and the vertebral misalignment. Further studies showed that 60 % of patients with chronic neck pain are directly caused by cervical vertebral misalignment and up to 53% of headaches after a whiplash injury are also directly caused by cervical vertebral misalignment.
Did you know? A misalignment in the lumbar spine ( low back) can also cause a headache!!This occurs mostly through vertebral compensations throughout the spine in order to maintain balance.This is why your chiropractor will always examine your entire spine, as the region of pain may not always be the origin of the cause.
Chiropractic care may influence headache and migraine by addressing the cause of the problem, which as mentioned is cervical vertebral misalignment.
Frequent studies conducted into the effects of chiropractic, consistently report that 90% of headache and migraine sufferers respond favourably to chiropractic, noting either total elimination or significant reduction in severity and frequency of symptoms.
Chiropractic care at Caulfield Family Chiropractic involves adjustment of the involved vertebrae. Once the pressure has been alleviated the body and brain are able to communicate freely. This allows the repair of functional tissue to begin, relieving nerve pressure and reduce muscular tightness.

Is my smartphone destroying my health
Register for this Free web class on smartphone health at
Caulfield Family Chiropractic.
You carry your smartphone with you wherever you go. You have it on you at school, work, and while out shopping and running errands. Some people even carry their smartphones into the bathroom (not recommended)! Smartphones harbor viruses and bacteria like E. coli that can make you sick. Use alcohol-based wipes that are safe to use on electronics and wipe down your smartphone at least once daily to remove dirt, dust, and germs
Register for this Free web class on smartphone health at
Caulfield Family Chiropractic.
Looking down at your smartphone while texting and browsing strains neck muscles and may lead to knots or spasms. It may even lead to nerve painthat radiates to the back, shoulders, or down the arms. Take regular breaks at least every 20 minutes when you are texting or browsing on your smartphone. Maintain good posture and do not hunch forward. Hold your phone higher when you are using it. Proper smartphone ergonomics helps prevent injuries associated with smartphone use, a common public health consideration.
Register for this Free web class on smartphone health at
Caulfield Family Chiropractic.

TMJ Pain Treatment in Bayside
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the name given to the pair of joints that connect the jaw to the skull. The term “TMJ” or “TMD” is also often used to describe dysfunction of this joint.
The causes of TMJ include:
• Poor alignment of the jaw
• Poor neck posture
• Misalignment of the neck joints
• Teeth grinding (bruxism)
• Direct impact and injury to the jaw
• Overuse due to excessive chewing
• Long dental procedures and orthodontics.
• Stress
When the TMJ is injured, the joint becomes inflamed, which alters the mechanics of the jaw and upper neck. This can cause severe symptoms.
What are the Symptoms of TMJ?
Symptoms of TMJ disorder includes:
• Pain
• Difficulty chewing
• Decreased ability to open the mouth • Locking of the jaw
• Popping and clicking sounds • Headaches
Chronic sufferers may experience headaches, dizziness, earaches and even difficulty hearing.
Pain from the TMJ can radiate to the face, head, neck or shoulders, and muscles around the jaw and neck can become very tight and tender.
What is the Treatment for TMJ?
Treatment for TMJ disorder aims to reduce inflammation and restrore normal movement to the joint. This will involve the following steps:
• Chiropractic adjustment of the upper neck (and some-
times the jaw)
• Soft tissue therapy to tight muscles of the jaw
• Ice to the jaw area
• Eating softer foods
128 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield North 3161
Ph. 03 9532 8715 Em: [email protected] www.caulfieldfamilychiropractic.com.au
TMJ Disorder
• Anti-inflammatory medication
• Wearing a bite guard in the mouth at night • Dental work to correct severe bite problems.
Chiropractic Care for TMJ
Chiropractic care can correct the function of the jaw and upper neck and the surround- ing muscles. This will reduce the symptoms associated with TMJ and ensure relapse is less likely to occur.
Chiropractic treatment may include:
• Adjustment of the neck and jaw joints • Massage to the involved musculature • Home exercises and advice
The aim of chiropractic treatment is to stretch, strengthen and balance the jaw muscles, mobilize the joint itself and make sure the jaw and neck joints move properly.
In addition to this, your Chiropractor may give some home exercises to assist rehabilitation of the jaw. When done successfully, this will not only relieve pain in the short term, but it will help prevent TMJ pain from returning.
At Caulfield Family Chiropractic we are trained and experienced in the
management of TMJ disorder.
We are committed to Results, Excellence and You

Spondylolisthesis is defined as an anterior displacement of a vertebral body in relation to the segment immediately below.
1 There are several types of spondylolistheses, with the most common being spondylolysis of the pars interarticularis, occurring in the young, and degenerative, which occurs in older patients.
2 The vast majority of spondylolistheses are found in the lower lumbar region, with rare occurrences in other spinal regions. This condition, which affects adolescent athletes, adults, and the geriatric population, is not necessarily associated with a pars defect and has a wide range of treatment options – from bracing to spinal manipulation to fusion surgery.
The most common type of spondylolisthesis seen at caulfield chiropractic clinic is the stable pre-existing type (PSS-S). Response to chiropractic care is often excellent. Studies have shown that when a spondylolisthesis is found in an adult, specific side-posture manipulations to the dysfunctional joints are quite effective. These researchers reported that the spinal segments most commonly needing adjustment were the ones above or below the spondylolisthetic segment, as well as the sacroiliac joints. Flexion-distraction also has been found to be a successful treatment method.
An important approach to the treatment of patients with spondylolisthesis is to strengthen and re-coordinate the deep support muscles of the lumbar spine. These muscles include the multifidus muscles and the internal oblique and transverses abdominus muscles. Specific manoeuvres include: posterior pelvic tilt; lower abdominal hollowing; and abdominal bracing.
The exercises are started non-weight-bearing while lying supine and/or prone, and then progress to quadruped (on all fours) if the position does not worsen symptoms, and finally to upright sitting and standing positions. They are described as low-resistance, isometric exercises whose focus is on precision of performance and re-learning of function. A 10-week program of supervised exercise sessions designed to progressively incorporate these postures into daily activities was found to reduce back pain and disability levels significantly over more than two years in subjects with spondylolisthesis.
3 Postural Correction
Many patients at caulfield chiropractic with spondylolisthesis develop postural asymmetries over time. One important factor in treatment is the correction of any loss of the normal upright alignment of the pelvis and spine. While there is no standard “spondylo posture,” it is not unusual to see a change in pelvic alignment (often a forward-flexed pelvis) or in lumbar spinal curve. The lumbar changes can be either a hyperlordosis or (in some cases) a lack of normal lumbar lordosis. Patients will need to be shown corrective exercises specific for the postural imbalances they have developed.
Maintenance and Support
Patients at caulfield chiropractic with spondylolisthesis should be taught to perform a general fitness exercise program for the lumbar support muscles on a once-a-week basis. A general and usual recommendation for maintenance exercising is a series of exercises using heavy-duty elastic tubing. These isotonic resistance exercises, performed in an upright (seated) position, will activate all of the stabilizing and major mobility muscles of the lumbar spine.
If you would like to discuss how we can improve outcomes for the back and neck pain patients that we co-manage, please do not hesitate to contact our clinic. We would welcome the opportunity to liaise with you.
1. Yochum TR, Rowe LJ, eds. Essentials of Skeletal Radiology, 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1996:327.
2. Souza TA. Differential Diagnosis for the Chiropractor. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Pubs; 1997:132.
3. O’Sullivan PB, Twomey LT, Allison GT. Evaluation of specific stabilizing exercises in the treatment of chronic low back pain with radiologic diagnosis of spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis. Spine 1997;2:2959-2967.

Elwood Chiropractors Treat Back Pain During Stay at Home Restrictions
Chronic stress could be taking its toll on your health – take your health seriously, starting today
Stress, inflammation and pain – the unholy trinity. Not only are these three factors connected to each other, but they are also each capable of hindering one another when overlooked. For example, if you’re suffering from back pain, you will also suffer from spinal inflammation whilst gaining incessant stress both physically and mentally. But what if we told you that our chiropractors in Elwood can help you with all of three of these burdens?
“The body achieves what the mind believes,” is a saying that many have believed for years now, and for good reason. If one’s mind is hampered by negative thought processes, the body will automatically recede functionality. Similarly, if your body is suffering physically, you will find your mind slowly but steadily growing to be more tired and closed, lowering your overall productivity.
You might wonder, how could a chiropractor help me get out of my dismay? To help you understand the benefits of our services, we’ve listed down the advantages for you:
Regular chiropractic care can help keep your muscles in check
Even though many individuals tend to go to a chiropractor after they experience an injury that needs treatment, chiropractic care is a service that can benefit you even if you do not suffer from physical trauma.
Many of our clients tend to continue our chiropractic sessions even after they have recovered from their respective injuries. This allows them to keep their muscles active and fit, especially when it comes to individuals that do not exercise regularly.
Chiropractors offer you a natural solution to your body pain
The focus of our work is to provide you with comfort without any external medicine. The chiropractor’s job is to help you open up your joints whilst working out any of the stress and inflammation that’s held in your muscles.
Through consistent sessions of chiropractic care, we will be able to identify the weaker areas as well as the muscles that could be prone to injury. As sessions continue, your body will begin to feel fresh and active by itself – you won’t even have to worry about taking all sorts of different medication.
Chiropractic care can be used to treat back pain
Consider this – chiropractic care is a natural method of physical care that ultimately helps in relieving the stress of your body. While working on your stress and inflammation, it also helps to reduce the pain that your body holds.
Once the problems have been overcome, your body will automatically see improvement as every health issue is targeted one at a time.
If you want to know more about the different ways that we can help you treat back pain, you can reach out to us through our ‘contact us’ section. Go beyond the general search of a ‘chiropractor near me,’ find the chiropractor that wants to help you get better through consistent and dedicated services. Contact the Caulfield Family Chiropractic today.

Working from Home? Then read this to prevent pain.
As lockdown continues, the majority of Victorians have had to adapt to working from home. Although challenging, there are some benefits to working from home; a lack of peak hour traffic to deal with, the ability to spend more time with the family, or the ability to work with more flexible hours.
However, at our practice, we have found our patient’s spines haven’t taken the move from the office to the kitchen table particularly well. Increased neck, back and joint pain have been an additional challenge for many of our patients working from home at the moment.
Let’s talk a bit about WHY home-workers are suffering and then give some advice on WHAT you can do about it.
So why should staying-in cause pain and discomfort? Well… firstly I’ll point out you can get neck pain sitting at your desk in the office all day too… (Just ask any desk worker how their neck and shoulders feel after a long day!) But working from home adds some unique challenges. It boils down to two main points; 1) a decrease in physical activity and 2) poor work station ergonomics.
In our ever-automated, convenience driven lives, modern humans tend not to exercise very much. The average Australian does no more than 30 minutes of exercise per day. The introduction of Covid 19 lockdown has seen a further reduction in this activity. The walk to the train station before work? No longer! Walking around high school or university campus to get from one class to another? Not anymore! Even the short, trivial bits of physical activity we get throughout the day have been reduced.
Less movement and physical exercise causes a de-conditioning of muscles, stiffening of joints and decreases the ability of our bodies to remove inflammation.
So HOW do we fix this lack of activity? The answer may seem obvious. MOVE! Some ways to achieve this are:
– Use your 1 hour of exercise time to go on a nice long walk. Or two half hour walks.
– Get up from your desk and pace around the room 3 times every 45 minutes or so
– Walk to a destination whenever you can instead of getting in the car.
– Get some simple gym equipment such as hand weights so that you can work out at home
– Do some Yoga from home – there are plenty of free videos online
Whatever you decide, make sure you are getting half hour to an hour of exercise each day to prevent yourself from stiffening up.
What about the ergonomics?
Sitting in ANY position for extended periods of time will eventually cause discomfort, no matter how comfortable you were when you started. Have you ever tried to work while lounging around in bed or slouching on your couch? My bet is what started off comfy soon turned into achey.
This problem is further compounded when using devices like tablets and laptops, which generally force us to hunch over them as we work, since their screens are low in relation to our head.
To reduce or even avoid pain, here is HOW to make a few changes to your workstation.
– sit at a desk that is the right height. Your desk should be at the same height as your elbows
– raise that screen! The middle of your screen should sit at eye level. If you are using a laptop, sit it atop a stack of books, a box or get a laptop stand
– get an external keyboard and mouse, these are cheap and very useful at preventing you hunching over a tablet or laptop
– get an office chair with good low back support, or try using a small cushion to support your lower back
– use your phone speaker or use headphones to take a call, as this is much easier than craning your neck to one side trying to hold a phone
– get a standing desk! Alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day
– and of course, make sure to get some exercise throughout the day. A half hour walk will go a long way to loosening you up
Be sure to also take time to mentally de-stress too. These times are challenging for us all, so ensuring we have a good group of friends to call as support, taking time to enjoy hobbies and meditating can all be very helpful.
Lastly, be sure to see your chiropractor! Characterized as essential workers, we are still open to help you out if you are suffering. There is no travel distance restrictions for our appointments, and no need to get a referral. If you need us, feel free to give us a call. We are here to help! There is no need to suffer and mark of days on the calendar waiting for lockdown to end.

Melbourne Chiropractor
from https://www.chiro.org.au/patients/about-chiropractic/chiropractic-and-you/
Chiropractic is a drug and surgery free modality of treatment concerned with the diagnosis, management and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system (spine); this includes the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health.
Chiropractors focus on the detection and correction of abnormal spinal function and its subsequent effect on how the nervous system controls and coordinates the body. Chiropractors in Australia are nationally registered and regulated healthcare professionals.
Chiropractors provide patient-centred care and work in partnership with their patients, by using shared decision making through a detailed consent process and using communication strategies that are tailored to the needs and preferences of the patient.
When treating infants and young children chiropractic care typically involves the use of low-force, low-amplitude techniques in contrast to those used on adults. Chiropractors are educated to modify spinal manual therapy to suit the age and presenting condition of a patient.
Chiropractic care is delivered by university educated, regulated healthcare professionals with a commitment to ensuring evidence informed care is provided to patients.

Sports Massage | Caulfield | Elsternwick
The aim of sports massage caulfield is to reduce unnecessary muscle tension, promote circulation, get rid of trigger points and scar tissue. Our sports massage therapist at caulfield family chiropractic will aim to reduce structural muscle thickening, adhesions and connective tissue.
The Role of Sports Massage Caulfield
Injury Prevention
Injury Care
Enhanced Performance
Faster Recovery
Sports Massage in caulfield for the lower body will focus on the following areas:
Posterior Thigh
(Hamstring Group)
Anterolateral Lower Leg
Anterior Thigh
(Quadriceps Group)
Iliotibial Band (ITB)
Inner thigh & groin
Act now and book your sports massage in caulfield with one of our team members at Caulfield Family Chiropractic

Is ice or heat better for injuries
It’s hard to get through life without straining a muscle, spraining a ligament, suffering a headache or doing your back. And the longer you’re on the planet, the more susceptible you are to arthritis.
When something hurts, will ice or heat make it feel better?
Here’s what Caulfield Family Chiropractic advises:
- Sports injuries: “Ice seems cold, mean and uncomfortable. Heat seems warm, comfy and cozy,” says Dr. Stacy Budlender (Chiropractor). “Ice wins for acute pain, inflammation, and swelling. Heat perpetuates the cycle of inflammation and can be harmful.”Dr. Jake Bright (Chiropractor) adds “Moist heat helps to loosen injured muscles before activity or stretching. Icing afterward can minimize pain.”
- Headaches: “Cold masks or wraps over the forehead, eyes, and temples help the throbbing pain of a migraine,” Ice is preferred, but heat wraps can halt neck spasms that contribute to headache.
- Arthritis: Heat wins for arthritis and injuries that linger more than six weeks. “Patients with more chronic osteoarthritis usually feel better with heat,” s. But for acute gout flares, Dr. Stacy prefers ice.
You can apply ice and heat in lots of ways. Our team generally recommend up to 10 minutes on and 20 minutes off:
- Ice packs: Frozen peas or corn, ice cubes in a baggie or frozen gel pack. You can ice beyond 48 hours until swelling, tenderness or inflammation are gone.
- Ice massage: Freeze water in a Dixie cup, peel back the top, and massage the tender area until it’s numb. (Best for targeted icing after injury or for areas too awkward for ice packs, like the elbow or heel).
- Cold masks: Place a cold mask, available at drugstores, over your eyes or lay a towel soaked in cold water over your forehead and temples.
- Moist heat: Enjoy a bath, shower, hot tub or whirlpool using warm, not hot, water (33-37°C).
- Heat wraps: Drape a heat wrap, available at drugstores, around your neck like a scarf (great for work or travel).
- Heating pads: To avoid burns, remove heating pads if the area becomes uncomfortably warm.
When to use caution
Paraffin wax treatments supply moist heat but overheating can cause burns. (Treatments are labor-intensive and supplies are pricey, too.)
“Use caution on areas with decreased sensation if you have neuropathy (from diabetes or another condition) or Raynaud’s syndrome,”. Extreme temperatures can damage the skin.
Need to make an appointment fast? Call Caulfield Family Chiropractic 9532 8715

Back Pain
It is part of Spinal Health Week 2019, Caulfield Family Chiropractic is raising awareness of chronic back pain and encouraging Australians to seek help.
Spinal Health Week encourages people to seek help for chronic back problems.
Chronic back pain is a national issue. One in six Australians suffer from the physical and psychological effects of chronic back problems – that’s an estimated 3.7 million people suffering. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare defines chronic back pain as a health condition that lasts for three months or longer.
If you or anyone you know is affected by chronic back pain, the good news is that you don’t need to suffer in silence. You can visit us to find out how chiropractic care can help.
At Caulfield Family Chiropractic, we are encouraging our patients and the Caulfield community to think about chronic back pain and take steps to improve spinal health.
In addition to chiropractic care, simple measures such as incorporating walking into your daily routine can improve chronic back pain symptoms. Walking keeps the spine active and mobile. Improving posture can also help to relieve strain on the spine and improve circulation.
During Spinal Health Week, make an appointment at Caulfield Family Chiropractic and speak to us about chronic back pain treatment and preventative measures. You can also visit spinalhealthweek.com.au to find out more about chronic back pain and chiropractic care.
Contact us on 95328715 to book an appointment today.
Looking to improve your spinal health and overall wellbeing? The Chiropractors’ Association of Australia have developed apps that can help.
Track your walks, log your walking history and find walking events in your local area with the Just Start Walking app. Download from the App Store.
Use the Straighten Up app to receive reminders and helpful tips on how to improve your posture. Download Straighten Up (Australia) from the App Store or Google Play.
Spinal Health Week is a health initiative of the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia, the peak body representing chiropractors in Australia.