Neck Pain Treatment
A male in his late 20s presented to Caulfield Family Chiropractic complaining of mid-back pain, neck pain, and left shoulder pain. His symptoms initially started 2 days prior, as a dull ache and quickly worsened until it had become quite unbearable. The pain had remained constant ever since. The patient stated that his mid-back pain and shoulder pain in particular, had become so severe that it had started impair his ability to breathe normally – “the pain felt like a sharp knife”.
The patient had no history of these symptoms before and was quite concerned about what was happening.
The patient traveled a lot for work, including long hours driving and often staying in hotels with pillows and mattresses of varying firmness and quality. When he wasn’t travelling, he spent long hours working at a desk. It’s likely that these lifestyle factors, amongst many others, contributed to his symptoms.
A thorough history and examination was performed on the patient to assess where these symptoms were coming from. Examination from our chiropractors at Caulfield Family Chiropractic revealed significant forward head and shoulder posture, in addition to a notable lean to the right-hand side. Range of motion testing showed limitations in neck and back movement, particularly rotation. Joint restriction, muscle spasm, and tenderness to palpation was noted throughout the neck and mid-back, and it was observed that palpation of the mid-back musculature reproduced the patient’s shoulder pain.
Treatment was scheduled at Caulfield Family Chiropractic over a period of four weeks, with a progress exam performed after that period. At the progress exam, the patient reported significant improvements to all symptoms, including 100% resolution of his mid-back pain and a 90% improvement to his neck and shoulder pain. The patient now reports having no difficulty breathing and is able to perform activities of daily living without any limitation.
The patient is now more aware of the effects our lifestyle can have on our bodies, and is taking a more positive approach to health to help prevent his symptoms returning.

Instability in the pelvis and how to fix it.
By Dr Jake Bright
A 31 year old woman, pregnant with her second child presented at caulfield family chiropractic with a history of low back pain, pelvic pain and feelings of instability in the pelvis.
These symptoms had been present since the second month of her pregnancy and were gradually getting worse. The symptoms affected the patients day to day activities and had become so severe that she sought treatment.
The patient had suffered from this pain during her first pregnancy, but it was much worse this time.
The patient began care over 4 weeks. After 4 weeks of chiropractic care, the reported a significant improvement to her low back pain.
Daily activities were less challenging and the patient reported sleeping better too. On her third visit, she asked “Why did no-one tell me about Chiropractic sooner?”.
The patient is continuing care to further optimize his functioning and further reduce symptoms.
Get in touch with us today

A 49 year old Man’s chronic pain relief story
A Case Study
By Dr Jake Bright – Caulfield Chiropractor
Nobody likes to suffer any longer than they have too.
But I bet, sometimes you feel as though you’re FORCED too. As if living with pain and tension is inevitable and there isn’t a choice. Why? Well, it’s because there’s often so much confusion about WHAT you should actually do about it that you end up doing……NOTHING.
(Procrastination is another word for it…) For one, you’ve likely got the GP telling you to rest and “try these painkillers”, and then on the other hand some else will come long and tell you that you should be “doing some exercises”. They’re both so polar opposite that it’s tempting to just do nothing for fear of getting it completely wrong and making things even worse. And in the mean time whilst you decide what to do for the best, the stubborn pain and tension you are suffering from, remains. (Maybe, even worsens.) And that isn’t nice, nor is it a healthy way to live. But there’s also another obstacle or road block to getting the right advice that you need, and that’s the “fear” of going to see people who just don’t understand what you want them to do.
Meet patient X.
Patient X is a 49 year old male patient with a history of chronic low back pain. The low back pain is associated with referred pain, numbness and tingling down both legs back and neck. Symptoms started approximately 1-2 years earlier with no clear cause.
Earlier the patient had seen a back specialist who stated that surgery would be the only option. Another surgeon suggested a trial of physiotherapy. After months of physiotherapy and pilates with no positive outcome, the patient presented to Caulfield Family Chiropractic, with the hope that chiropractic treatment may help.
On examination by Dr Jake Bright caulfield chiropractor patient X had abnormal movement of the sacro-iliac joints, lower lumbar spine mid thoracic spine and cervical spine. Swelling and tenderness to palpation were noted over the lumbosacral area.
Orthopaedic testing revealed several severe-to-moderate neurological deficits consistent with chronic neurological impingement. Instability testing and tests for discogenic causes all proved positive.
X-ray assessment revealed significant postural changes, a grade 1 spondylolisthesis of L5 on S1 and grade 2-3 degeneration of L5/S1.
This patient began an intensive period of treatment at caulfield family chiropractic over a period of 6 weeks with a progress exam scheduled for the end of that period. After a review at the end of 6 weeks, positive changes were noted. Treatment was then continued for another 8 weeks, with regular neurological assessments to monitor the patient’s signs and symptoms.
After 3 months, the patient reported he’d had more relief of symptoms than he had expected given his diagnosis.
If you’re ready and you’d like to get results like Patient X and finally start looking and feeling much healthier, please call us:
Ring 9532 8715 to schedule your appointment
– And –
You’ll get to see for yourself why we’re A LOT different from all the other options out there – may be even the best one you’ve got if you’re in your 40’s and above and you want to end pain and get active again NATURALLY. And that would make a HUGE difference right?…